Brick By Brick

A collaborative effort to revitalize the community form within


To transform a community, we need the help and support of the people within community. Brick By Brick, TFAD is creating opportunities that make a difference!

Whether its a new home for a family in need or a community learning center , Brick By Brick, we are creating opportunities and new beginnings. We ensure that all of our students and community members have access to the necessary education and tools to rebuild the community from within creating a secure foundation Brick By Brick.

For our organization, the phrase Brick By Brick is a metaphor that has two significant meanings. First, it takes a collaborative effort to make a significant chance throughout Philadelphia communities. Each legislator, each company, and each individual that dedicates their resources to our mission of creating more opportunities for young men and women  of color within the skilled trades is considered to be a brick creating a stable foundation for Trades For A Difference to realize our goals.

   Brick by brick also represents the efforts revitalize communities from within.  By educating young men and women through our blight removal initiative that re-purposes blighted structures for the benefit of the community, we are able to rid the community of nuisance structures and create something new for the benefit of the community. By changing the landscape of the community, we can create a secure foundation  for future generations to come.

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TFAD  conceptual artwork commissioned by local artist Serena Saunders